Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Long Time No See

Huaaaa.... It's been ten days I've left this blog. I got a lot of work to be done and promises to be paid hehe. Since February 1st, I've got moved back to my old job desc, calling people to collect debts. AAAARRGGGHHH... so sick enough for the target an KPI stuff, and now I have to redo that again??!!please...yeah but what more can I do? just following the boss.
On February 2nd I went to my old sister class wedding at Panjalu Ciamis. The plan was going with my best friends, but uhh... for some reasons the plan was canceled and I had to go on my own. Huuaaaaa.... that was the first time for me to go to out of Purwokerto alone on a bus. Fortunately I have a friend in Ciamis, Indri (my bestfriend's girlfriend actually hehehe). I went to Teh Aci's wedding driven by Indri's brother, De' An. After back from the wedding I planned to go home to Purwokerto at the afternoon but again the plan got canceled. Finnaly, I went back to Purwokerto at the next morning. On the way back I've almost got left by bus twice, Ya Allah. First at Ciamis terminal, I waited at the wrong side. My bus had lots of problem on the journey. The tyre has leaked and something was wrong with the machine. And when the bus stopped to fix the machine, I went to house next the road to take a pee, but when I came out from the house the bus is just going.... I screamed and gladly the bus man heard me. And I 've got on bus again..hihi
The previous week was a trainee week. I had to give training to my new patner. Well I've known her since last year so I didn't get any trouble but it took times thus I hadn't have any chance to update this blog. And this week, oh got already a lot problems at the early. A lot of data, slow system and error blocking thing, that cause so many consumers complain to us. Gotta back to work now. See ya soon... Wish me luck, okey!!

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