Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Battery

This is one of my recent watch movies. The story is about a boy, Takumi, who become a great pitcher in a baseball team. He has a little brother that weak and easy to get ill, Seiha. His mother always blame him cause his little bro want to play baseball with him. He also meet a friend who can catch his pitch, Gao, but this friendship got mess when they play match with the best baseball yunior highscool team. They have to communicate well to win. Win the friendship and family not just the game.

So cute boys, so simple and focus story are the strengths of this movie. I've cried at the end when Takumi's mother finally blessing him to play baseball. Wondering when Indonesia have this kind of movie, story of kids, simple but focus...really really focus and total (specially the running and training scene). You can read the sinopsis right here but you must register first to watch the movie, don't worry it's free.

Almost forget... I also love the ending song. "People like to talk about their reason to gave up, that's way dream always locked in the box"

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