Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Targets inside my heads

Aaargh… what a week! This week I have so many deadlines, either personal or professional. I gotta fix so many promises and jobs that I have delayed since a week ago. Haha…yup I’m the one to blame hehe. Lately, my days spent not only facing PC for 9-10 hours at office, but also writing my journal book with a lot of to do lists, lot of thoughts, cash flow and things unnecessarily xixixii..

After four days waiting for my wage, finally it’s right on my hands now. Like before, I gotta think smart how do I want to spent this wage wisely, paying every bills, prepare for my brother’s study tour, and lastly I have to do that “saving”. Every kind of saving, money or investment on things, that’s my weakness. Actually I’m not a consumtive person. I always think more than twice about buying clothes and others, but I’m a food lover. That’s how my money always flew away without any trace.

And uh…I put so many target of my life this year…So hard actually, but I have to force myself. I know the my SWOT. I must succeed!! Gotta do all my best!!.That’s all we have to do right? NEVER PUT OFF OUR DREAMS!! No matter how rough the path, how hard the struggles. SEMANGAT!!!

O yeah I’m not finish read my new novel yet, uuh…my most wanted novel but so thick. Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris is a good novel, so rich and so me hehe…

I must back to work hehe….Too much ‘killing time’ already. See ya…

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