Thursday, January 31, 2008


Aha!! This is the specs that my friend have listed for me. In case if I lost my notes, I would still have one in this blog. Hope it will be a reality in next month. Low budget but it suits my needs.

· CPUProcessor : Sempron LE-1150 2.0 Ghz 382k

· Motherboard :Abit NF-M2S (GF6100+405,2000,DC D2 800,V,PCX) 541k

· Memory : Kingston 512Mb PC 5300 (x2) 258k

· Hardisk : WDC 80Gb 8Mb 410k

· Casing Simbadda Sim-X 380W 235k

· Keyboard & Mouse Bufftech standar 48k

· Monitor 15" 2nd @ 300k

· Stabilizer 60rbSpeaker 150k

· Printer 500k + DVD RW LG 270k

All I need to do is saving and earn more….Jia You

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Targets inside my heads

Aaargh… what a week! This week I have so many deadlines, either personal or professional. I gotta fix so many promises and jobs that I have delayed since a week ago. Haha…yup I’m the one to blame hehe. Lately, my days spent not only facing PC for 9-10 hours at office, but also writing my journal book with a lot of to do lists, lot of thoughts, cash flow and things unnecessarily xixixii..

After four days waiting for my wage, finally it’s right on my hands now. Like before, I gotta think smart how do I want to spent this wage wisely, paying every bills, prepare for my brother’s study tour, and lastly I have to do that “saving”. Every kind of saving, money or investment on things, that’s my weakness. Actually I’m not a consumtive person. I always think more than twice about buying clothes and others, but I’m a food lover. That’s how my money always flew away without any trace.

And uh…I put so many target of my life this year…So hard actually, but I have to force myself. I know the my SWOT. I must succeed!! Gotta do all my best!!.That’s all we have to do right? NEVER PUT OFF OUR DREAMS!! No matter how rough the path, how hard the struggles. SEMANGAT!!!

O yeah I’m not finish read my new novel yet, uuh…my most wanted novel but so thick. Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris is a good novel, so rich and so me hehe…

I must back to work hehe….Too much ‘killing time’ already. See ya…


I really like biking. Actually biking is the only exercise that I do regularly. Yes I’m a biker to work. As one of cardio exercise, biking can improve heart beat and also can burn calories. Of course to get the maximal result we must do this exercise propotionally and regularly. The average calories burned with biking is 300-500 calories per hour.

There are many researchs have been held that showed us many benefits of biking. As informed by biking can reduce the death risk up to 40%. American Heart Association said that regularly/ daily exercise such as biking can give advantages below :

· Reduce risk of getting heart disease because biking can improve blood circulation

· Keep body weight stable

· Keep the cholesterol rate inside blood

· Avoid and manage high pressure blood

· Prevent osteophorosys

· Improve stamina

· Help to avoid stress

· Release the tense muscles

· Help sleep quality

· Help to increase the self confident and optimistic

· One of socialization media

But we must be careful either, because the wrong position and attitude in biking can cause some injuries. The most happened injuries are at Head., Back, Collarbone, Knee and Road Rash. The most fatal is Head injuries, it cause 75% of these biking deaths. Head injuries often caused by accidents. The Back, Collarbone and Knee injuries can be caused by wrong position or attitude beside by accidents such as :

· Riding toohard, too soon

· Too many miles

· Low rpms

· Improper position on the bike.

After all, here are some tips to choose the right bike for you :

  • Decide how you want to ride. Roads or trails.
  • Choose the frame that rights for you
  • Compare the specs
  • Get the right/ comfort fit
  • Maximamize fun and performance with the right accessories

So enjoy biking …or others sport you like!!

Keep healthy, Keep Fit!!

Sources are from here, here and others that I forgot...Sorry

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sign language

I finnaly found the sign language right here
But they said it's a american version...wonder whether it's different in indonesia or not. Gotta search for more.

Braille Alphabet and numbers

Actually I searched Braille and other relevants was just for my private projects. But then I decide to share it to this blog. O.ya..I found it here. Still looking for Arabics Braille alphabets anyway…

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PMS and Dhysmenorrheal

HEY THERE!! WHAT’S UP?! Actually I wanted to update this blog yesterday, but uh.... I’ve got my PMS and gosh! it hurts so much. Yeah this is the women thing that we must face every month. Some friends told me that one of causes pain of PMS is spicy food. It’s that correct? Well I’m a spicy lover for sure and I don’t wanna change it, so let move on the topic to PMS relief hehehe...

After walking trough sites, I found some tips to ease the PMS, here they are :

Tips on controlling PMS

  • Eat complex carbohydrates (such as whole grain breads, pasta and cereals), fiber and protein. Cut back on sugar and fat.
  • Avoid salt for the last few days before your period to reduce bloating and fluid retention.
  • Cut back on caffeine to feel less tense and irritable and to ease breast soreness.
  • Cut out alcohol. Drinking it before your period can make you feel more depressed.
  • Try eating up to 6 small meals a day instead of 3 larger ones.
  • Get aerobic exercise. Work up to 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week.
  • Get plenty of sleep--about 8 hours a night.
  • Keep to a regular schedule of meals, bedtime and exercise.
  • Try to schedule stressful events for the week after your period.

I like the point number 7 hahaha…I found the tips right here.I also find the Yoga things for PMS relief at here you can also see the video. I’ve tried and it works.

But after we can anticipate PMS what about the menstrual period, we often feel pain right? So painful that could bother our normal activity. This pain exist specially in first until third day of the period.That’s what called Dysmenorrheal. Dysmenorrheal are not usually serious problem, that caused by invection or ovarium cysts also by endometriosis. We can reduce pain by use heating pads or take a bath with warm water. We can also drink suplemens or medicine. But there’s a time that we must be carefull with the pain, if you deal with any of these situation, just go hurry see the doctor

  • Painful periods that started later in life
  • Pain at times other than the first couple of days of your period
  • Unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding
  • Pain that doesn't go away when you take medicine to relieve it

So…keep being a healthy woman.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fruits for Your Health

There are many source that tell about the advantages of fruits for our health. But remember do not eat fruits too much or you will get ill instead, such as stomachache. Well... these are some list of usefull fruits

I found the list right here
He's one of my favourite star, very caring person.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Come back....

After a long time didn't update this blog, I've come back already. There've have been many things happened around and inside of me. New Hopes, New Dreams, and New Point of View. Actually I get busy for preparing new life after the end of my work contract. Collecting OT, sending cv, but still hard for saving money...hikz...
By the way, I get lack of creativity due this time, my journal book just keep in the same pages as two month ago. I get a lot of ideas actually, but uh...yup still feel difficult to split times. Yes.. that's just reason I know :p. Now I have to straigthens my will for my projects. do not Quit!!
So let's get creative and productive. Be Original Always. See you again soon, i'm gonna update this blog everyday...haha what a promise....insyaallah. Yeah at least twice a week heheheh. Lastly, Keep Spirit 'n Go Green!!

Ps. starting to practice my english again,especially in writing. So don't be hesitate to critize me. Thank you